February 27, 2008

And here we go...

My name is Jena and I am a survivor... Ok, let's be honest here. As you can plainly see this is a blog of my life and participation in therapy to recover/deal with the past twenty one years of my life. I don't know how often, or if ever again, I will post, but this is a beginning. Some days I might use this as a way of talking about things that have sent me over the edge that day or things that just might have happened. Other days I might use it as a journal to express what I am feeling or as a way to do writing assignments that are involved with my therapy and the book I am working with. This is not my way of publishing my personal experiences or thoughts to gain attention, just so you know. I just don't know another way to share my feelings and process of recovery that might end up helping someone else deal with their own or not feel so alone if they haven't started their own healing process. All comments, whether positive or negative are welcome... and I mean that honestly. Who knows... this may end up being the one tool that works for me better than any other. Hell, it might even end up in the book that is helping me 'heal' or it might just end up being one more blog in the blogosphere that never sees the light of day again. Either way, this is me, my story, my life, and my process of healing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jena, your sister linked me to your blog, and I am glad to read. I will catch up in the next couple of days. I've been through quite a bit myself, and I'd love for you to stop by and read my blog.

Keep your chin up!