April 3, 2008

Can one be so smart, yet amazingly dumb at the same time?

How can some people that are so amazing intelligent, be so intolerably dumb?? I'm serious. Let's just say that someone I know works for a particular industry where files and such are very important and need to be disposed of properly. As in, they need to be shredded after a certain amount of time. Not kept in a semi-private warehouse and definitely not thrown into a dumpster somewhere. So why is it that these smart people decide the best thing to do with the top secret files dump 1,328 pounds of files into a dumpster??? Oh, and let’s not forget to mention that they had to drive right by the shred company that they pay for monthly to get to the dumpster they chose to dump them in. What the FRIG??!?!?

I am sure you are asking yourself how I know all of this, and certainly this cannot be true. No one can really be that dumb. Oh how wrong you are. I know because I spent the better part of two hours in said dumpster retrieving these oh so very important files so that: One- The idiotically genius person that threw them in the dumpster didn't lose his business or get unimaginable fines; Two- Because I am one of those stupidly nice people that doesn't want any one, no matter how stupid they are, to get hurt in any way shape, form, or fashion; and lastly, because I was stupid enough to open my mouth and point out that the person they had chose to send to 'guard' this dumpster was needed more on the job. Of course, they agreed with me and said that I should go instead.

Through all of the heat (did I tell you that it was hot as balls outside, not to mention in a metal dumpster), pain (I found a way to break numerous blood vessels in the fingers on my left hand. Can you say OW?!!), sweat (Oh man, I didn't even sweat that much the last time I had sex!), and falls (Yes, I busted my ass in the dumpster. The kind of fall that catches you so off guard that you can't help but laugh as soon as it happens with your legs still sticking up in the air.) That this afternoon dealt me, it was still an experience I will never forget. As my big ass was in the dumpster my friend and fellow co-worker Zowie was loading everything into our two vehicles. She got a kick out of me climbing into the dumpster, losing my footing once in the dumpster, and the crazy one liners that were coming out of my mouth. Not to mention the hot ass guy that was working at the shred company where we ended up. That in itself was almost worth it, to see him in action... Yummy! Well almost… I think a raise or a paid day off is more in order, and I think Zowie would agree!